Community Garden

Experiential Installation

Reclaimed timber, dual panel polycarbonate, burlap

Experiential Installation

Reclaimed timber, dual panel polycarbonate, burlap

The “Community Garden” project, situated in the heart of South Austin, explores harmonious landscape design and experiential art, tailored for communal engagement and ecological awareness. This open-air sanctuary, freely accessible to all, is designed to celebrate the solar journey and the rhythmic progression of nature’s cycles.

At the core of the garden is a circular structure, assembled from recycled wood beams that rise to form a semi-open dome. This architectural form aims to be aesthetic and functional, designed to track the movement of the sun across the sky. The transparency of the materials and the openings along the dome’s circumference allow sunlight to dance across the garden floor, creating a dynamic arrangement of light and shadow that shifts with the time of day and season.

The layout of the garden is deliberately circular, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and the seasons. This geometric choice fosters a sense of community and inclusivity, drawing visitors into a shared space that encourages interaction and collective gardening. The use of burlap along the garden beds is practical and sustainable, promoting soil health and moisture retention, which are vital for the robust growth of plants.

As an experiential art piece, the garden invites visitors to engage with the space in a multi-sensory manner. The arrangement of plants—selected both for their aesthetic qualities and their adaptability to the Texan climate—ensures a year-round dialogue between the garden and its visitors. Each plant species contributes to a broader palette of textures, colors, and scents, enhancing the sensory experience of the garden and highlighting the intrinsic link between human and botanical life.